Blake Shelton is a country singer and television personality on the hit show, The Voice. He made his first debut with the hit single Austin In 2001 and has been putting out hit after hit ever since. As of today, Blake Shelton’s net worth is estimated to be around $60 Million dollars. His net worth comes from his singing, songwriting and coaching.

His participation in The Voice has had a big impact on his financial situation and he’s appeared in 7 out of 19 seasons of the show. The Voice pays him $13 Million per season! Imagine how cool it must be to get paid to have fun and listen to music?

When he’s not busy being a coach on The Voice or working on new music, Blake Shelton enjoys spending his money on his hobbies.

He loves to play golf and owns a ranch where he can go riding. He also likes to travel and recently bought a private jet so he could get around more easily.

Can you imagine owning your own private jet?! That must be so amazing.

Blake Shelton is obviously a very successful man and he’s not afraid to spend his money. He seems like he would be a blast to hang out with and we’re sure he enjoys every minute of his life!

By Sarah Mae Wilson

With her deep passion for traditional country music and a genuine love for the simple joys of life, Sarah Mae brings a unique perspective to our team. At 45 years old, she's a proud woman who has lived her entire life out in the country, surrounded by wide-open spaces and the calming serenade of nature.