Lainey Wilson Greatest Hits 💚 Best Songs Of Lainey Wilson 💚 Wait In The Truck

[00:00:00] – 01. H̲e̲̲a̲̲rt L̲i̲̲ke̲̲ A̲̲̲ T̲ru̲̲ck
[00:03:27] – 02. W̲a̲̲i̲̲t I̲̲̲n T̲he̲̲ T̲ru̲̲ck
[00:08:04] – 03. N̲e̲̲ve̲̲r S̲a̲̲y N̲e̲̲ve̲̲r
[00:11:03] – 04. T̲hi̲̲ngs A̲̲̲ M̲a̲̲n O̲̲̲u̲̲ghta̲̲ K̲no̲̲w
[00:14:28] – 05. N̲e̲̲ve̲̲r S̲a̲̲y N̲e̲̲ve̲̲r

Lainey Wilson, top 10, 2023, mix, songs, top songs, playlist, album, greatest hits

#top10 #topsongs #greatesthits


By Sarah Mae Wilson

With her deep passion for traditional country music and a genuine love for the simple joys of life, Sarah Mae brings a unique perspective to our team. At 45 years old, she's a proud woman who has lived her entire life out in the country, surrounded by wide-open spaces and the calming serenade of nature.