#GrandOleOpry #CarrieUnderwood #OutOfThatTruck
Carrie Underwood performs “Out Of That Truck” as part of the Grand Ole Opry show and celebrating her 15th Anniversary as an Opry member on Saturday, May 13, 2023.

Listen to “Out Of That Truck” at https://Carrie.lnk.to/OutOfThatTruck
Listen to the Denim & Rhinestones (Deluxe Edition) album at https://carrie.lnk.to/DRDeluxe

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Carrie Underwood news

By Sarah Mae Wilson

With her deep passion for traditional country music and a genuine love for the simple joys of life, Sarah Mae brings a unique perspective to our team. At 45 years old, she's a proud woman who has lived her entire life out in the country, surrounded by wide-open spaces and the calming serenade of nature.